
And just like that, I'm a year older. Definitely a year more experienced, not sure if a year wiser, but a year happier. I know what affects me and I choose what's best for me. I don't owe anyone any explanation and I do what I think works for me. I have little time for negativity and I don't really pay attention to anything that doesn't cater to my lifestyle. I know the people I want in my life and I know the ones to stay away from. I no longer carry any hatred or grudge and I like to believe that this is a change that is here to stay. I have nothing bad to say about anyone to anyone. I can help in whatever little way I can, and when I can't, I can and do wish them well. Everyone is going through life, ups and downs are fundamental parts of it and are therefore and important reason to stay kind. You never know people's stories, you might as well be kind and say the best possible words. 

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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