Complexity of the Human Mind.

I am not, by nature, a very brave person, no matter how much I tell myself that I am one and how much I pretend that there's none braver than me, being brave is not what comes natural to me. It has been something that I've had to work on. I don't mean that I get afraid easily either. In fact, I am not scared of most things. I have what I like to refer to as lazy indifference towards most things. Not many things surprise me, neither do most things affect me. I have gotten used to being dettached and unaffected by things. That's why it's a big deal for me to step up to the "plate", so to say, because I find it hard to feel the enormity of occasions. Only when I really do feel the pressure of the situation do I feel the nerves. And it's when I feel the nerves that I feel the most alive. That's when all of my senses are hyper alert. That's when I judge myself very heavily because that helps me perform better and improve my standards. I don't really know how I feel about it but I appreciate the complexity of the human mind. We're all so different, yet so primal when things get hard. So fascinating.

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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