
People often tell me "failure is not an option". Well, first of all, it is an option, it always has been and always will be too. Of course it's an option, mere facts tell you no matter what you try to do, there's a chance it'll go badly! In fact, a lot of things in life is just that, a chance to get it done. You will either get it done or you won't. That's it. However, it's not a bad thing to fail. That's what, I believe, people fail to understand and that's the reason, I believe, people say silly things like "failure isn't an option". Of course it bloody is an option. It's always an option. But it's not as bad as people make it to be. It doesn't have to be as bad. When something has just much of a chance of failing that it has of succeeding, there's nothing to feel bad about it. I get the idea that they make us feel sad, of course, we all want to be winners, but my point is that losing doesn't have to be so bad. Especially when it is fifty percent of what can happen to us. One thing that would kill me, figuratively at least, is me not giving my best. Imagine being surprised and sad about failing because you didn't give your best. Isn't that outrageous? It just doesn't work both ways. You can expect to reap if you fail to sow. And you'll only reap what you sow. You can't sow weed and expect to reap wheat, can you? And if you have given your best and the result still didn't go your way, well, what more could you have done than your best? What you can do more at any point in your life than than your best? You either do your best or you do less than that. When you've done your best and have failed, it's hurtful, but it's also an opportunity to improve your standards, so that your best next time beats your current best. Either way, it isn't much to be sad about. If you've not given your best and you've failed, well, that shouldn't even come as a surprise. You can't be lazy and win. 

Love, peace.


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