
It's so funny how people like to come to conclusions quicky. It's almost like the process and the performance is irrelevant and that the only that truly matters is the result. And that scares me. Because some of the best attributes of life can only be learnt with time. Some of the best lessons in life takes time to get imbibed by our minds. Always going by results and deciding can make us believe that there's good and bad and nothing in between, that there's black and white and nothing in between, that there's light and darkness and nothing in between, which is as false as anything false can be. There is a whole wide spectrum of light that we're not accounting for, simply because we're choosing to not believe in it. That's not the sign of development, that's not the sign of knowledge in depth. Everything takes it's course of time and being patient is key. You put in your work and you'll reap your rewards. It's as simple as that.

Love, peace.


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