Control What You Can.

I don't know why it's so hard for some to understand, but don't worry, I'll keep repeating it just so the message reaches you and you start implementing it in your life. There are few, very few, things in life that you can control. I repeat, there are very few things in life that you can control. Things you cannot control, for instance, are other people's opinions on you, the outcome of your activities in spite of great preparations, the obstacles that lie ahead on your path. There's no point in spending your energy and time on these things. None at all. You will only be disappointed if you even try to control these things because invariably, you'll fail. And that failure will hurt you, you'll get frustrated at life. It's just silly to go down that path over and over again, without ever learning anything. What you can control are simple things, like your focus, your determination, your effort, your performance. Things will go wrong, inspite of you giving your best, that's not a personal knock on you, mind you. That's just life, you just can't take everything personally. Enjoy the process, be in the moment. Live. 

Love, peace.


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