Do it, and Do it Consistently.

Life tidbit of the day, fellows: You don't get better at something by not doing it. Not matter what it is, you have to do it, and you have to keep doing it in order for you to have any level of success or any handle on what you're doing. You just have to keep grinding it out, keep honing yourself, keep improving, keep yourself in the loop. That's the only way to any level of success or development. There is no secret sauce to success, there is nobody working against you, there are no conspiracies targeting you. There are people who do what they do regularly because they're so darn obsessed, and there people like you, who just assume you'll be good without ever putting in an ounce of work on a consistent basis. Quick trivia: what works if you want to lose weight? Working out for 20 minutes a day everyday or working out for 3 hours every 10 days? Provided you keep all the other factors of weight loss the same in both cases, factors like sleep and diet. You know the answer, I don't have to pick it out.

Love, peace.


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