Actions Vs Emotions.

Decisions based on emotions or decisions based on merit and facts. Which side do I need to tip towards? That's a question we all face, some of us more often than not, even though, the answer is quite simple and is also something we're all very much aware of, yet we still make mistakes here. I offer you this though, before I point out the obvious. If two people who weigh the exact same weight and have bodies that are mirror images of each other and they both want to lose the exact amount of weight, and one of them dreads the work he needs to put in but does it anyway, and the other loves the work but somehow doesn't end up actually working, who do you think gets their weight down? Work like jogging five miles a day, lifting weights, cutting down the calories, watching out their diets. The guy who hates doing all of that, but does them anyway for whatever reason will accomplish the task, without questions. The guy who skips these steps but claims to love them will not. It's as simple as that. Your emotions are irrelevant without actions. Your actions, without emotions, can still impact you and others around you. Your call.

Love, peace.


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