
 One of the worst things that you can do to yourself is pay attention to what is not in your control. No matter what your goals are, there are only a few things that you can control, only a few things that you can affect with your actions. Especially if what you have to do has others' involvement too. And you stressing out because someone else isn't doing their job, and you trying to make things perfect when it literally isn't in your hands to make them perfect is not just silly, but borderline stupid. I don't blame you though, I know you probably want to reap the best results possible, and I am completely with you. But there is not a thing that you can do when you literally have done all of what you can do to your best possible ability. There is really nothing else that you can do. Take a deep breath, remind yourself that you've done your best and shift your focus to what you can control. Relax, things will always be alright. Remember the universe is much bigger than just your problems. Good things will happen. Believe. 

Love, peace. 


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