No Reason.

No matter what you do, I think you would not find yourself being happy unless you really make it a point to be consciously happy with who you are as a person. Your success doesn't need to have a damn thing to do with your choice of being happy or not being happy. If you happen to associate your success with happiness, more often than not, you will let yourself down and that is not something that you want because that's the whole point, you want to be happy. Happiness by choice is an extremely elite state of mind, it would mean that you, irrespective of what your life does to you, choose to be happy. That's the highest state of consciousness, if you ask me and that's where I'd like to be. To be happy, peaceful, blissful and kind without ever giving thought to my situation for oftentimes they come in the way and act as excuses. There's no need for excuses to be kind. There's no need for excuses to be human. 

Love, peace.


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