
Some of the best advice I've received aren't just free but also very easy to understand and incorporate. Every person who's been successful at what they do have been so because of one factor, and one factor only. It's discipline. You don't always have to like what you're doing, but you have to do it nevertheless if that's what your dreams are asking you. If my dream is to one day win the Olympic gold medal for hundred metres dash, I have to be disciplined, day in and day out. There might be days where I might not feel like running or practicing, there might be days when I might feel lazy and unmotivated. But if the work still gets done, irrespective of anything and everything, I will, irrespective of the fact that I didn't do it with the intent, improve. That's how it works. Consistency is key. Having a mind that's unbreakable is key. Being disciplined in terms of your mental, physical and emotional ability is key. Stay strong, if you don't like the path, remember your destiny. That's what's on the other side. 

Love, peace.


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