
It's absolutely baffling to me how so many people do not understand the concepts of freedom of speech and expression. It doesn't matter if someone's opinion is popular or unpopular, it doesn't matter if what they say is generally agreed upon by the masses. People can still say and express what they want to say and express, as long as it is legal in the country they live in. You know what isn't legal, though? Abusing them for their opinions, subjecting them to bullying or cyber bullying, targeting them, harassing them, forcing them to redact their statements. And funnily enough, more often than not, I come across people who say "they got what they deserved for what they said", which is moronic and illogical to the highest of extents. Self righteous people who always assume they're perfect and everything about and around them is perfect are the worst kind for they always try to ruin others with their self-proclaimed popular and therefore right opinion. Either people can't understand or they choose to not to. I assume it's the latter.

Love, peace.


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