Tiny Steps.
Everything has to start somewhere, it's okay to start slow, it's okay to start small, it's okay to start weak, it's okay to start with tiny baby steps. What matters is that you start. As long as you actually stop contemplating and actually get something done, you're good. Building on it is a must I know I don't have to remind you of.
Hello there, I am 'the Earthian'.
Every time you decide not to do something because you declare that you aren't good enough yet, remember a step that's not made forward is equivalent to step taken backwards for you need to do, repeat and keep repeating in order for you to become good. This is not some crazy science that I am laying out on you, it's simple logic. Practice makes perfect, and it is always going to be just as simple as that. You don't have to move mountains on a daily basis for you to actually accomplish tasks, you just have to take that first step, make that first decision in the right direction. That's all it takes. Tiny, consistent steps.
Love, peace.
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