I don't think most people realize how quickly life can change for all of us. I, for one, can be very quick to get angry if the right boxes to make me angry are crossed. I don't like being disrespected in no regard because I don't do it others. I try my best not to, at least, I'm sure there are people who despise me too.
Hello there, I am 'the Earthian'.
But then again, that's exactly the point. There just is no room for hatred. I know I'm not perfect and if I can accept that, I think I can accept the fact that people around me aren't either. We don't have to be rocket scientists to understand that we are human and are all susceptible to mistakes no matter who we are. And it's absolutely okay to make mistakes. But at some point we have to learn to. And I am learning to be a bit more patient, a bit more composed, a bit less angry when I do get angry. Most of all, I am learning to be a bit more comfortable bein uncomfortable. It isn't very easy to list out my flaws and share them for the world to see but I do it, with the intention of being a bit more comfortable being uncomfortable. I might not like it, but that's okay. Things happen in life and you deal with them, not complain about them and about how bad they are.
Love, peace.
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