
The more I try to force my mind into doing something that it isn't particularly keen on doing, the more I fail to do that something. I mean, every single time I try and make it do stuff that it doesn't want to do, I end up doing that thing awfully badly that I end up thinking I shouldn't even have tried doing it.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

It's a really sticky situation. You just can't make your mind do something well, especially when its not interested in doing that something. But you know you have to do that something and you very well know that you need a mind that is properly functioning to achieve that. How in the world do we do that?

I am by no means someone who has mastered his mind. If I have, I wouldn't even be writing this, but from my experience, I have found something that does work for me. My mind fails to continuously work on something that it isn't interested in. But the conscious side of my mind knows that as much as it hates doing that something, it has to do it no matter what. So ultimately, my mind is willing to give some leeway to the conscious side of it. It focuses as best as it can. But the kicker here is that it doesn't do it for a long time. It gets tired of the activity due to the lack of interest in it. It focuses for a short period of time, usually thirty to forty minutes and then craves to do something that it loves to do. It longs to do that something. That's when I give it what it longs for. For me, I love doing this, writing. What also works for me is listening to my kind of music, watching my kind of movies (clips of it, not the whole movie). I do this, (for only as long as my mind is tired and not for prolonged periods), rejuvenate my mind and get back into the action of whatever my mind is not too keen about doing.

Is this pathetic? Absolutely. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Life is not always going to be ice-creams and sandwiches, as lame as it sounds. Sometimes, you might have to starve. Or worse, eat something you hate eating. But it is what it is.

Lots of love, peace.


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