Bricks of Lies.
Hey you! Yes, you! Why did you become friends with me? Was it because you saw a lonely kid with desperation beaming out of his eyes that searched for friendly faces and you actually thought you had one?
Did you see a potential trustworthy and might I even say real friend in me? Did you want to find out where an acquaintanceship with me could go? Did you want to find out what I actually had to say? Did something about me lure you into my life? Did you feel like you and I would resonate with eachother from the inside? Did you find my weird appearance appealing, for I do actually have the weirdest taste in fashion? Is that what that did the trick? Or did you like my smile? Did my smile make you feel at home? Or perhaps is it because you felt sorry for me, sorry about me, sorry about the fact that I usually was only just by myself while you and everyone around you were having the time of your lives? Did you pity me and was it because of that pity that you spent the time you spent with me?
Did I learn more than you wanted me to learn about whatever relationship that you were building with me? If yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I fell for you. I'm sorry all of what we built was made of bricks of lies.
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