The World Moves On.

You know how sometimes people you love the most just leave you without ever giving you warning signs? Perhaps you are the one that left? Ever been in that situation?

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

No, no, not the kind of meltdowns that happen because of misunderstandings which inturn ignites a huge fight causing both of you to use pathetically ungraceful words about each other and then later regret about the whole ordeal by which time it's too darn late.
I'm talking about the quiet goodbyes. Goodbyes that you never really saw coming. Like the last day of your schooling. As a student you would have always just thought your friends are there to stay with you forever. As your school life came to an end, abruptly, that's when it hit you that it actually is goodbye and that you and all of your best mates of over a decade are going in very different directions. Maybe you even promised each other that you will, no matter what and how things are, stay in touch. And you might have also felt that keeping in touch would be easier with all the social networks that are available.
A couple of years later,  people who once were your whole life are now just a part of it. And soon they'd be less than a part of it. Maybe just a speckle.
That's the kind of goodbye I'm talking about.

Now, I'm not here to build some emotional rollercoaster. What I am trying to say is that the world moves on, no matter what. And inevitably, you do too, along with it, carrying just traces of yesterday's memories.

Lots of love, peace.


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