The Scales.
There are two scales with which you can measure things. Quantify things, qualify things, relate to things and understand things. And those scales are the the absolute scale and the relative scale. I'll talk about what they are in my forthcoming posts, but today, let's talk about what they aren't.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Clearly, the absolute scale is not a relative scale and the relative scale is not an absolute scale. We clearly don't understand this concept though. So, to put it simply, the absolute scale is something that is universal. Something that doesn't differ from person to person, for different people. It is constant no matter what and it means the same for everyone. The relative scale though, is something that keeps varying from person to person. Anything that's measured with the relative scale carries different meanings at different points of time to different people. Sure, there is also a big chance for two or more people having the same relative scale for measuring the same things.
The issue arises when people generalize a relative scale. Or when people try to generalize a relative scale. Because it brings a controversy along side it. And that's because there will be just as many as people who would be against it as there would be for it. And that's something we must understand. To understand that we need to know what a relative scale and what's not, which we'll talk more about very very soon.
Lot's of love, peace.
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