Reaching Out.
Today I'd like to extend my hands. Extend my hands and reach out to anyone who feels that they don't fit in, anyone who feels alienated, anyone who has a hard time trusting someone, anyone who believes friendship isn't made out of unnecessary obligations, anyone who wants a true friend and not just someone who would hang out with you when you're having the time of your life. I reach out to anyone who inertly feels that it's them who has an issue deep within when you really are just like everyone else, maybe even a teeny bit more special.
Hello there, I'm one of you guys. An Earthian is how like addressing myself.
I reach out, because I am one of you. I know it feels like it is not okay to be someone who just doesn't belong in any crowd whatsoever. I know what it feels like to have people who look at me like I'm a spooky snake trying to spoil the party. I know what it feels like to be desperate to find that ultimate friend who would just like you for who you are without ever pointing out your flaws. And I know that there's only one of those friends and that's you to yourself, always.
To share about this part of my life is something that is extremely hard for me to do. But I'm learning to do it, bit by bit. Maybe I'll reach a byte one day. It's hard. But I also know it is truly okay.
Lots of love, peace.
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