
If you're someone who plans a lot and tries to achieve perfection in all the activities that you do and you've been that way for a while now, you probably know that it doesn't usually work. And it's not because you lack executional skills but just because of the simple reason that life doesn't always bend your way.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Sometimes life hits you and sometimes life hits you hard. And at other times it grazes your cheek, passing chills down your spine. If you're a veteran you probably know that there is a huge difference between being equipped to face the ultimate test and being a well-planned person. Odds are, if you are too planned and stork wrecks you, you just give up. Because in your mind you were absolutely sure that you weren't going to get wrecked but you did and that makes you get rid of hope and belief in everything that's good in life. It takes enormous efforts to reel you back into the ocean. And even with those efforts, there isn't any certainty that you'll dip your feet ever again.
And it has happened to me too. You see, the storm is just one part of what has happened to you. Sure, it broke you, but it's up to you to choose whether or not to heal up and get back into the game. If you teach your mind that it isn't safe any more, then that exactly is what your mind will learn. And so you're down for eternity.

Only you don't have to be, if you're well equipped. Well equipped with a great mindset, that is. Not physically well equipped with the right tools. Tell yourself that you are more important than the plan you entered with. Adapt with the situation. Play along with life. But slowly take charge of it. Because trying make life adapt to you is just plainly foolish.

Lots of love, peace.


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