
Diligently working on ourselves, for ourselves, or just diligently doing any activity is something that rarely do. The work we do is outcome orientated. So what we generally care about is the effort that we need to put in to just cross the lines. We only put in as much work as we need to barely finish the activity. No wonder we are average or below in what we do, most of us.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

And the results reciprocate your actions. Which is when you start asking questions like "Why aren't I getting the results?; I did all that's necessary!"
What you aren't understanding is that the output is directly related to the input you feed. Which means that you only get what you've worked for, which is the bare minimum result.
There is a big difference between doing something just for the sake of results and doing something because you genuinely want to improve your life. When you want the latter, you start digging deep, pull all the stops, fall down numerous tomes and still get up because you want to and not because you think you need to, push through hardships, endure pain and a lot more of it eventually, and more importantly, diligently work for whatever it is that you are working for. Diligently work like there is no tomorrow.

Are the results guaranteed? Not in any universe. So why? Because you'd at least start enjoying the process of working itself. That's a joy that would last a lot longer than the joy that comes out of the result of doing something. It's the difference between living life and dwelling in the past.
You know best though, no pressure.

Lots of love, peace.


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