The Irony.
The problem with most people from my generation is the fact that for the most of us, everything has been handed to us. And we can't blame our parents or guardians for that because they just want us to have a better childhood than them.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
And I'm not trying to point out the obvious that most of us don't know the value of what we have and get (which most of us don't). Because that isn't the only issue. When we get everything handed to us, we start feeling entitled to those things. We start becoming rude and obnoxious and we don't even think about thanking the person that got us what we have. Yessir, we become spoiled. We build up an arrogant attitude which doesn't teach us the reality of the harsh world out there. We never learn that at some point we would just have to start getting things for ourselves. And when we finally realize our attitude, we will be in a position to start fresh. Start fresh our whole character, which is a good but an unnecessary exercise.
Yes we are taught about gratitude, we are taught about politeness and respect, we are taught about self-discipline but we are taught more about money and how life is all about it. We are taught more about how there is this need for us to go after things, valuable things. And those valuable things are what that spoils us too. Which is all ironic.
Lot's of love, peace.
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