The finish.

So, we talked about how to start going, we talked about how to keep going, and now it's time to talk about finishing the activity that we started. And we need to make sure that the end is just as good as the rest of the tasks that we undertook.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

So how do we do that? Quite honestly, I do not know. Because usually we are happy to quit abruptly. Abruptly as if the activity did not mean anything to us at any point in the journey because somehow, the activity that we chose for ourselves becomes a nuisance, a nonsense. We think of it as a burden, a pain that we just need to get relief from. And this happens because we expect too much from the activity. It happens because we assumed things would be very easy to get done. We assumed everything will just magically fall into place once we start, which is so far off from the truth.
The problem is we are used to living in an oblivion. And when we slowly start transitioning to reality, we understand things operate so very differently to what we had imagined. And that is when people just abruptly end it, without any respect for themselves and the activity that they loved so much at one point. There are so many people who "kind of" want to be good at things. Honestly, these are the people that just want to be famous and rich, irrespective of their passions. And now the question to you is, are you one of them? One of whom that has no passions and absolute ambitions? Or is there a reason why you travelled so far? And if there is one, remind yourself of that. Why? Because who else cares?

Lots of love, peace.


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