Hello there! Its the Earthian here.

I am a REBEL. I honestly don't know if I am proud of it or not. But it's true. I don't like the way the world has unfolded. I don't like how there are "rules" to be successful. I don't agree with what we call "Education". I'm not a fan of the fact that people look down (or up) on others depending on what they do.

Let me be clear. I'm not what I do. I'm ME.
I don't owe the world anything, and neither does the world owe anything to me.
I don't like the truth that the Earth, our beautiful home, has been split up into so many uncountable small territories to establish power and control. I don't understand the need to establish dominance. I fail to comprehend the competition in the society. I can't whatsoever recognize the pride and happiness one gets in proving the world wrong in certain of its aspects. And quite honestly, I don't understand life. Especially the fact that humans consider themselves to be dominant over the other forms of life, and hence disrespect them .

Is it just me? Or does anyone else feel like there are enough people to prove the world wrong and not enough to get it together and make it right? You might know, the first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I'm talking with force. I'm being honest.

Until next time, later.


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