We often tell other people that we love them. We tell our parents, best friends, siblings, teachers, partners or mates.
What do we mean when we say that?
Hello again! It's The Earthian.
Most of us believe that we love different people in different ways. Like we love our parents in a certain way and our mates in a certain other way. I hope you get what I'm saying.
But, is Love really different? Or is the way you see people different?
The answer is probably the latter. Love is inexpressible. Whatever we express towards our partners is called lust and boy we humans are lusty creatures. If you don't love someone for who they really are, you don't really love them. These days, ''Love'' has become an awkward word to use. If I try to define "love" I'd probably be running out of words myself. I can maybe call it the highest of all positive traits a person can have.
As of today, people are being ruled by traits like jealousy, pride, ego, sense of superiority and selfishness. A reason that advocates for these traits is people think things are permanent. They believe they are in control of everything. They get blinded. And finally, hatred surrounds them.
The only escape from this is, realizing the value of life and understanding what it is all about. If you're looking for a reason to love something, you will never be able to love it. Start loving life, just for what it is. Love your planet, love the people surrounding you. Love without a reason, without expectations. Love.
Lots of love, later!
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