
We often tend to characterize things. Even people at times. We classify the way we want to and the way we perceive them, quite often not considering a possible other side of the coin.

Hello all! The Earthian here.

Everything to us is a simple yes or no situation. Almost all of us have started writing incomplete books. Don't get me?
We only look at things that we want to look at, in a person. Hence, we only fill our books (mind) with what we just see.
Most often, we only consider the physical aspect of a person. In our minds, good looks = good personality. Chuck it.

Because of this trait of ours, quite often we get misunderstood too. Unless otherwise a person with an open mind, and with a  non-judgmental attitude comes into your life. Try to understand this: people aren't things; not books to categorize like you usually do in a library. Everyone is unique. You need to start recognizing that. You can't just group people together the way you want to.
And a fun fact to remember is, people only see in you, what you see in them. How? Simple. Because you have already classified them, you start talking and being with them in a certain way and they simply reciprocate.

Start being an empty book, rather than an incomplete one 😉.
Have a nice one, later!


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