What I want

I already only spend very little time with people. And it only seems to be getting less and less as I grow up. And I don't even feel bad or sorry about it. I relish small interactions where the conversations are meaningful and realistic. Even with people I am expected to mingle. My parents, my brother, most acquaintances, I don't want conversations with anyone. They always get stressful and I don't want to be stressed. I like being silly, I like being happy-go-lucky. I enjoy the fact that tomorrow will still arrive, irrespective of what I do. I relish the truth that the universe doesn't and will not miss me if I become nonexistent tomorrow. I seek nobody and I seek nothing. All I want to do is be present, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, I just want to be one with nature. I don't want to separate myself from this universe. It's not the Universe against me, it's the universe and me. We're in this together, and together is what I want to be.

Love, peace.


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