Agree, Disagree, Agree to Disagree.

You know what, if you ever disagree with someone and believe that you're right, you're absolutely free to agree to disagree. There's no need to abuse or attack anybody personally or insult them just to get your point across.  Inviting someone to an open discussion where you can both come to a solution that works for both of you is the ideal situation but, most things in life aren't ideal, so why should your solutions be? All that has to matter to you is your belief, or the truth. I personally like to side with the truth. But that's just me, you can follow your belief and die hard for its sake, and I would only commend you for not changing your mind back and forth. At some point, we have to let go of the hatred that we choose to carry because it's just baggage that we don't need one bit. I think we could all do with a few more mild days with love in our hearts and our agendas. Love towards people, towards the planet, towards our activities, and most importantly, towards ourselves and our well being.

Take care.


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