What I Have.

A question I've recently started asking myself more often than ever is "why must not I suffer?". As in, what have I done in life to expect things to be laid out out perfectly for me, always? Why do I think I deserve such treatment? Why is my definition of fairness perfection? Why can't I take life for what it is and then move forward? Why can't I work with what I have and improve as I progress? Why should it take me absolute perfection for me to even get started? Why do I believe it in my core that the people around me, the situations I'm placed in are what are responsible for the failures that I endure in my life and career? Those are elements of my life I have absolutely no control over. What I have control over are my attributes, my skillset, my mentality, my attitude and my actions. What others think, what others feel and the situations I get put into are ones I have no control whatsoever over. I have myself. That's all I have. That's all I'll have till the day I die.

Love, peace. 


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