Learn Anything?

Win or lose, there's always something to learn. If you've won but you've not really learned anything, it's necessary to question your victory. If you've lost and have learned nothing, you're in serious trouble. If you've lost and have learned, you've not really lost. You've won.

These are all, on the surface, conflicting statements that may or may not actually reflect in your life, but what they do do is offer you an outlook. If you are someone who takes defeats personally and start abusing yourself, you can actually reshape that with the help of this outlook. If you tend to get carried away by your accomplishments, even if they are only remotely worthy, this can again help you reshape your way of life. You really do not have to feel bad when you lose, especially when your odds of losing are just as high as your odds of winning. The outcome is barely even worth making something out of. It's your outlook and the process that really shape you. And a healthy outlook revolves around learning and improving and not around mementos of successes and failures.

Love, peace.


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