
This probably will come across as really rude and strange but it has to be said. You cannot fix people. You cannot solve their problems, you cannot throw away your own life and try to fix people's issues. Technically, you can do all those things, you can try at the very least, but for how long, you'll never know. 

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

I only say that because problems can only be solved if they are first identified. Some people believe they're on the right track and therefore never even identify that they're the reason they face so many problems. And you cannot solve them, you'll only end up losing yourself and you'll only end up wasting your time. It is absolutely not worth it. People changing is up to them and it is absolutely up to them alone to change themselves. If someone asks for help, please do help them. Just don't get yourself involved in drama that can't be solved by you. Let people be themselves. Besides, you have your own life to look after, take care of and look forward to. You have your goals to achieve and dreams to realize. You have your life to live. You have your life to love.

Love, peace.


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