Be Present.

 You need a little bit of playfulness in life, you need it not because the world is too serious, but because you being too serious isn't good for you. Because you need to know that you are not the center of this universe and that you are just a part of it, that it's okay for you to take time off to smile and spread positivity.

Take time to admire the magic that you are surrounded by in every minute of every second of your life, take time to notice it, take time to try to appreciate it, take time to just be present in it, take time to be astonished by it. Do not keep living in your past, do not keep fretting about the future, just try to be present in the moment, admire what is in your possession than what is not. Sooner or later, you will run out of both of your life ingredients, time and energy, and you do not want to live a life of regrets, you do not want to think back and say to yourself that you could have done better. 

Love, peace.


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