Do It.

Some people don't understand when I say that people only deserve what they earn. I don't mean that with any hatred in my heart against anyone. All I am saying is, anything that is worth something is going to demand you to earn it. 

I am also not denying the occasional exception where someone gets handed things, but for the majority of us, our dreams demand work. And you do not deserve to achieve it if you do not work on it, if you do not work on it enough. And if you want to realize your dreams without actually investing your time, effort and money in it, I'd say you're deluded. You can't and, rightly so, won't be handed things in life. Even to think that you deserve something is silly because if you truly did deserve it, you'll earn it. And you'll earn it well, you'll do it your way, you'll find success your way. I am not making this up, any person who's been successful at what they did, did it their way. It was a celebration when they did it. It will be one when you do it too. Let's go. 

Love, peace. 


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