
The goal for me is to be brave. And I'm not talking about being fearless. I believe fear is humane and nothing to be ashamed of or feel embarrassed about. But bravery to me is me being okay with myself, me accepting myself for the person I am, me coming to terms with my flaws, weaknesses and shortcomings. I'm human and it's alright to be afraid too. That is bravery to me. Accepting the person I am, and standing by my code of living no matter what is bravery to me. Attempting to realize my own value and appreciating myself for what I've tried to achieve, is bravery. Doing things despite being scared because it is the right thing to do is bravery for me. Getting back up after falling a billion times is bravery to me. Being kind is bravery, being human is bravery. Being honest is bravery. Embracing the way of a warrior is bravery. And I want to be brave.

Love, peace.


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