
Its saddening how a lot of us are so stuck in our own zones, feeling down and sorry for ourselves, and arguably rightfully so. The world hasn't been fair to the most of us and it probably isn't going to change anytime soon. 

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

But what we need to understand is that the world isn't doing all of this to us in purpose. It picks none of us and gives us the ordeals it does give us. None of this is personal. I wonder how many of us feel like the world picked us out in particular when we it throws happy moments in our way. I mean, if this is personal, that has got to be personal too, right? Or am I missing something? Sometimes, we just have to learn to let things slide. Not because we don't have the right to feel the way we do but because feeling the way we want to isn't doing much good. Take the passengers seat and let life sweep you off your feet. Believe in the magic that life will offer at some point in its journey. Because it will. It has to.

Love, peace.


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