Sometimes I don't know if I'm feeling grateful or vulnerable. Because there are people that I really love that I get to mingle with but its also them who put me on a pedestal and make me answer questions I don't really want to answer.
Hello there, I am the Earthian.
Maybe its because I've always been someone who's so self conscious that even the slightest of remarks or questions that are of the least personal nature offend me. I don't necessarily get offended, but I do in fact get the feeling of taking a step back and choosing to not be as open as I'd be with someone I'm really comfortable with. But then again, who am I really comfortable with? I'm not so sure. Except for my own self, I don't see myself being truly comfortable with anyone whomsoever. Over the years I've become an extremely private person and that's made me a teeny tiny bit more cautious. I don't mind that either. I thinl I like that bit about myself, I feel like it brings a certain twist to my life. I'm not scared of anyone, will not ever be, but also a tad too me. Yeah, I'm me, a little too me, but still me. That's the way I'd put it.
Love, peace.
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