Give up?
Have you ever been so close to giving up when you're actually so close to getting what you've been fighting for? Have you ever considered why you should probably not give up when you're so close? You probably have, haven't you? Yet, have you still decided to give up?
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Its funny because only when we usually get to the very end of our fights, only when we're trying to crack the toughest nuts, only when we get hit hard whilst hitting hard do we actually feel like we've had enough. But the truth that we all know is that we've not had enough. We're done yet and there is no way in hell we're going to give up right when we're about to make the fight give in to us. That just isn't happening, no matter how much we are made to endure. That is just how things go sometimes. You just don't decide some things for yourself because sometimes you decide to settle for things that aren't in your level just yet and that's when subconsciously you keep pushing yourself. Because you know you can and that's the only reason you will too. There isn't no giving up. Not yet.
Love, peace.
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