Walking Out.
To me, giving up on certain people isn't necessarily a bad idea. In fact, its important that I learn to walk away from people when I don't want to be a part of their lives, irrespective of how much they'd like me to be a part of their lives.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
No disrespect though. It has nothing to do with the personality of the people I'm choosing to walk away from. Sometimes, its just me trying to get out of my own head and take time to just feel better without having to worry about anything. Its sometimes just walking away, not because what I'm walking away from is not good enough but because the walking away part is what I need to heal and make myself ready for the next day. Me being me, the person that I am, I live inside my own head more than I live anywhere else, and so its of paramount importance that I do whatever it is that I'm supposed to do to make myself feel better about my life in general. And walking away from certain people is just one teeny, tiny part that I do when I feel the time is right.
Love, peace.
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