So where was I on generation gap? Yes.
Where have we, the supposedly blooming flowers, AKA youth, lost our sunshine?
Or have we absorbed too much of it?
Hello all, I am the Earthian. Yes, Earthian. Guess what, you are too!
They say, "Too much of anything, is bad." Let's analyze why it's bad first.
Legend says, humans are good at anything and everything except having and displaying self-control. Which essentially means that we get addicted too easily and too quickly. So addicted that instead of just keeping things under control, we slide into thing's control. Secondly, our addiction creates boredom.
I know it sounds really confusing but hear me out. Let's say we give a bar of chocolate that's new in the market a try. And let's say that we really like it. The next time we visit the market, we pick up two of those bars, instead of just one, because one is no longer sufficient. And when we visit the market for the third time, we pick up three. Soon, we find ourselves picking up dozens of the same bar of chocolate and it's never enough. What's my point? we get bored, not of the quality of the bar, but of the quantity. Which indicates that the receptors in our bodies for the bar have grown weaker and weaker that a single bar would never ever be sufficient.
Now, apply the same to the gadgets we have today. When we bought it, we probably spent like an hour with it. And now? Well, we don't even want to talk about it. And at the end of the day, we find our energy levels drained, tired of having the same thing over and over again, yet with a huge void left by the same thing. No wonder we are tired.
I hope I made some sense.
Lots of love, peace.
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