People often tell me, teach me to love people. Especially the people who hurt me. Who hurt me badly. And I... Well, I could never do it.
Hello there, I call myself the Earthian, feel free to call yourself one too.
You know why I could never do it? Because it's not fair. It's not fair. Not fair for me, not fair for them, not fair for anyone.
The thing with me is that, I like things to be fair. And it hurts me, when they are not.
Everytime someone asks me to love people who hurt me, I abruptly, blatantly ask them, "Why?". And usually they don't give me a satisfactory answer, because let's face it, it is a hard question. But the other day, someone told me, that they deserve my love more than anyone else because they are the ones that are capable of bringing out my true colours.
When I thought about, I realized that they were very right. In fact, if you think about it, it's always the people who we have a rivalry with that bring out the best or worst of us. There is no "mid-level" with them. There is no sugar-coating with them. We show our true selves when we hang out with them and that's exactly what establishes and makes us who we are, to a very large extent.
Having said this, I'm still learning my way up this unfairness.
Lots of love, peace!
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