Paradise Revival.

I think it's fair to say that most of us do not appreciate the things that we do have. If you do, that's really nice.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

Most of us don't appreciate the fact that we have food on our plate at the right times, most of us do not appreciate the fact that we have a roof over our head and most of us do not appreciate the fact that we are alive.
Instead, what we do is ramble on and on about the things that we don't have. We like to complain and keep complaining until whatever we want happens. If it happens, we stop there for the day and find something else the next day. If it doesn't, we lament.

Sometimes, I wonder if this is the reason why we don't appreciate planet Earth. It's okay to not appreciate it. But it's never ever okay to abuse it. It's never okay to misuse it and damage it. Especially when you know what you're doing is affecting the planet, affecting it in a bad way.

Let me make it loud and clear. Our planet is the only home we have. It is the only place capable of sustaining life and if we don't recognize this now, well... It'll be too late when we do recognize it. If you're looking for evidences for it being damaged, look no further than the temperature changes of the past few decades. Notice how badly it has changed. Moreover, feel it.

This is a topic that can't be completed in a single article. I will be breaking it down into lots of pieces and try to paint the picture in the best possible way. My little aim is to one day, as a gratitude for allowing us to live on it, let our planet live too. It's something that can't​ be single handedly achieved. I hope we all get on the same page one day.

Lots of love, peace.


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