Learning Experience.
If there's something that I've been doing, with and without my consent, consciously and subconsciously, it's that I've been learning.
Hi, The Earthian is back.
What do I mean when I say I've been learning?
Well, I'm certainly not talking about the kind of learning we do at school.
I'm talking about the lessons we learn from life. I figured that as time passes, we only learn and keep learning. It's how we put to work what we learnt, that matters.
I don't know if everyone can say that whatever they learnt at school has helped them truly in their lives. But, I can promise you that each and everyone that has learnt their life lessons via their experiences can say that. In fact, it's their lessons in life that has moulded them into who they actually are.
It is these lessons in one's life that makes them think and act the way they do.
I'm pretty sure ,till my end, I will keep learning from life. I'm looking forward to all the upcoming lessons. I'm looking forward to what life is going to throw at me. And most importantly, I'm looking forward to see if I can endure whatever that's been thrown at me. I'm looking forward to see if my life lessons make me or break me. Because, I know it can do either. I'm looking forward to learn and keep learning. And, I hope you are too.
Wherever you are, I wish you all success and happiness. Peace.
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