My biggest fear.

Let me share with you today, my biggest fear. The one thing that I hope I don't ever get stuck in.

Hello all, The Earthian here.

So, we all know that changes are mandatory parts of everyone's​ lives. There may come a time, where you will have to change yourself! As much as this sounds scary, this isn't the scary part. My fear is that, I shouldn't change in such a way that I completely lose myself and start being one of the crowd.

To be precise, I hope I never become that person who is always ready to accept whatever is thrown at them. I hope I never become someone whose self respect becomes secondary. I hope I never become that person who has completely lost their perspective. I hope I never become that person who is just short sighted (I'm not talking about Myopia). I hope I never become someone who forgets what he stands for. I hope I never become a hypocrite. I hope I never become someone whose faith in himself is completely lost. And most importantly I hope I never become that person who forgets who he is (he is an Earthian) and his purpose in life (to spread joy).

These are always my biggest fears. I'm not the type of guy who blames the situation for the changes he undergoes. In my mind, situations never change a person. It is a person himself that thinks that because the situation has changed, he has to adapt to it. I maybe wrong. All I know is that, people come to hasty decisions without a proper reason to back up their deeds. It may not be necessary.
Stay true to yourself.



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