The Person I used to be.

Truth be told, I am, to this day, not the confident person I know I can be. I know I can be really confident, but I am just not that person and I haven't been that person in a very long time.

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'. I call myself that with a lot of pride and a lot of honesty with the sheer intent of one day giving back to this beautiful planet. 

Tell that to my younger self, from about 10 years ago, and he'll laugh at it. Because 10 years ago, I was very confident and I was very happy-go-lucky. I'm still going lucky, just that I'm not as happy. I used to be my authentic and original self, and while it did cause me some moments of pressure, it never did me any harm. I got things done, things I cared about done and it meant something to me. Somehow, I've lost all that and all that's left is the person penning this. Not that I feel bad about this, just a reminder that I still have that person in me, somewhere.

Love, peace.


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