People I'm Thankful For.

I have a lot to be grateful for towards my father and mother. I know for a fact that I am not the most ideal son, that I'm not even close to being that, but they accept me, sometimes unwillingly, but nevertheless surely and I'm thankful. I really am.

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'.

My father, as I've noticed is a man with discipline, and I admire that a lot, so much that I have been slowly trying to incorporate that exact discpline in my life, and believe me when I say that it is not easy one bit. My mother is very sweet, very innocent and kind, and I try to instill kindness in myself too which is almost equally as hard as learning to be disciplined. My brother too is an infinitely better person than I am, than I'll ever be, because he doesn't know to hold a grudge, to carry hatred in him, to hold on to negativity. It's hard to be self critical but I think it's a necessary evil. To be surrounded by people who are absolutely much better than me empties me, almost makes me feel like I'm useless. And it hurts to know that I offer nothing, nothing in terms of anything. Anyway, I didn't intend on being negative towards myself when I started writing this so I'll stop here for today.

Love, peace 


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