Messing Up.

It's okay to mess up, as long as you're willing to admit you've messed up and are willing to make amends, or are willing to try to make amends. There's no point in being adamant or trying to stand your ground when there's absolutely nothing that stands for you. 

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'.

I've been there many times, been at the wrong end of conversations, arguments and discussions with my views. I've got no regrets admitting that I've been wrong, and whilst it is embarrassing at the moment of being wrong, it gets better with time and that's what's important. Keep in mind that none of us ever really know everything and that we're all in this learning journey together. Never take things personally, losses aren't meant to be personal. Take it easy, get your facts straight and do what you think is necessary and if you get it wrong, take it on the chin and move on. 

Love, peace.


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