Online World.

I think it is important to get out of the groove from time to time, the groove of the online world, I mean. It's an opinionated world out there and it just might not be the best place for everyone, and certainly not a place to spend hours and hours of your time on.

Hello there, I am 'the Earthian'.

It's like a swirling vortex that can just suck you in before you even know it and you don't want that to happen for it has the capability to ruin your mood and your day. Besides, the world in front of you is just so much better than the one you see through the eyes of social media with people having all of their agendas. For your own well being, consider only engaging in positive posts and train of thoughts, trust me, nobody is worth breaking your head over, no issue is more important than your inner peace and self confidence. Remember to not take anything to your heart, especially negative things to your heart, your heart deserves much better than negativity, I am sure you agree too.

Love, peace.


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