
I think it's safe to say that we all have some regrets in our lives. Regrets about the decisions we took, the ones we failed to take, and the consequences because of our decisions, choices.

Hello again, it's The Earthian here.

Regrets are emotionally painful. No matter how much we console ourselves, there is always that small part in our hearts that keeps pricking us.
Let me tell you something. Regrets about  doing something is far less painful when compared to the regrets about not doing what you actually wished to do. You see, life doesn't wait for anyone like I've already said. You can either keep your dreams just as they are or you can actually do something to realize it.

A big factor for not doing something your mind insists you to is, lack of courage and confidence. You see, we humans are apparently very good at imagining the consequences, the results of an experiment without even performing it.
When those "results" seem a little scary, we back down. As we keep backing off, we get our schedules tighter. Soon, we hit a point where we start wishing "If only I had done that..." All it takes is a little courage. Courage to fire the first arrow and courage to get fired at.

Stop being afraid of whatever it is you're afraid of. Most of the fear is just in your mind. Fly.

Have a great one. Peace.


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