
What's the difference between doing something regularly because you have to, and doing something regularly because you want to?

Hello all, The Earthian here.

So, it's simple. It's just the subtle difference between routine and work- ethic, that I'm talking about. Good routine essentially means doing something that's basically good for you and just leaving at that. Good work-ethic essentially means doing some thing because of the inner drive. The passion for an art gives you the drive and makes you develop a good work-ethic. The difference between brushing my teeth everyday and trying to write a daily article is a subtle example of what I'm trying to say.

It's a good thing you have a routine. But it just isn't enough. You see, once you find your path towards your goal, it's up to you to start doing things to realize it. It certainly is not just going to happen on its own. For instance, if you want to become fit, putting an end to junk food alone isn't going to help you. You need to work out. Putting an end to junk food may help you lose weight, but, it isn't going to make you fit, physically. One needs passion to become fit. Get my point?

I'm pretty sure telling yourself proudly that you have a good work ethic will give you enough confidence to make your dreams come true. Just try. Fly!

Lots of love, peace!


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