After having a bad day, we wake up, only to realize we're going to face the same thing all over again, only this time, it could be worse.
Hola! The Earthian here.
It's almost like we don't want to wake up, like we enjoy sleeping a lot more than we actually should!
Why is this happening?
It happens to all of us. Waking up tired. So are we not confident? Or are we scared? Or are we just pathetic?
The answer is, none of that.
See, when I was kid, I used to be very anxious. I wanted to shine in everything I did, not knowing why I did what I did. For instance, take my examinations. I used to work hard and try to get the best possible score. Even after knowing I had performed my exams well, I used to be shaky when I get my results. Why? Because in my mind I had already started thinking about consequences and what might happen if I didn't perform so well.
Likewise, when you wake up, if you had your own image of what the day's going to be like, good or bad, you will never be able to enjoy it.
Just go with the flow of it. Even if you think you know what's about to happen, keep an open mind. Look forward to every moment of your life. Smile. Talk to yourself. Stay strong.
It's up to you to decide if you want to be like a stagnant pond that can easily be drained out, wasted and polluted or if you want to be the boundless ocean, never tired, constantly making waves(impact) with gushing energy and tireless fierceness.
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