A big part of why we aren't what we want to be, what we are in our minds but not in reality, what we aspire to be, is that we don't accept reality. More like, we don't want to accept the reality.
Hello all, The Earthian here.
Most people deny reality. They think they can overcome their situations, their problems, their "failures" and their mistakes by acting tough. ACTING.
They think saying to themselves that they're better than what their situations have made them, will make them better, while it will have zero to negative impacts on them.
So, what? Stop acting tough and start BEING tough.
Like I quoted before, the wise words of a man say "First step in solving any problem, is recognizing there is one.".
Only when you realize you need some change, you can make progress. And only when you accept reality, you'll be able to realize you need change.
Sometimes, people get all down. They start taking things too personally and start blaming themselves for every wrong happening. Now these are the sensitive people. To you, it may sound like their taking credit for their own actions, but what they're actually doing is being hard on themselves. Sometimes you need to know that everyone at one point is ignorant. It's not wrong to commit a mistake. It is wrong to repeat the same mistake over and over again.
So we've seen why we need to accept reality. If you're not convinced with any of those reasons, simple just know that whatever's done is done and there's nothing you can do about it.
Will talk soon later. Peace.
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